Friday, April 20, 2012


Lots of fun so far this month!
We spent a few days at Uncle Earl and Aunt Shana's house and had lots of fun playing with Delainey and Reece!

At "school" we played with snow. It was fake snow, but still the only snow we played in all year! Luke is loving school even though he still won't dance no matter how much Ms Julie tries to coax him. Claire is always happy to dance.

Mommy and Daddy ran in the St Patrick's day 4 mile run. You two Leprechauns stayed at home with Grandma Barb.

Apparently, the best part of a cupcake is the frosting. It's all you two ever eat!

Claire finally got to wear a pony tail, much to her dismay. I'm sure someday she'll love it. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012


A very wet start to March left us with little choice but to dive right into the mud!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


February came and went before I knew it! We were very busy with lots of playing this month!

Claire favorite "Cecil" the Seahorse is rarely out of her grasp. She showers him with kisses, head banging, and makes sure he gets his share of her sippy cup. She's the best little mommy!

Every morning when Claire wakes up, we gasp at her hair. It's becoming quite traumatic to try to comb out. I did find a special brush that is supposed to work out those tangles without tear. Let's hope so! Of course, it wouldn't be Claire without the shoes!

Who would have thought a box full of packing peanuts would be so much fun for so long. These two will play for HOURS with these things. They bury things in them, the throw them in the air, they scoop, they pile, they get them everywhere! But they also enjoy cleaning them up, so it's a worthwhile mess in my book.

This hasn't been much of a winter. No real snow to play in. No real snow at all actually. We had a few flurries so I bundled up the kids and forced them outside to see it. Only a few flakes, and no one was that interested in it. Maybe next year.

What's Valentine's Day without a huge heart sucker?

Luke has been very loving with Claire lately. When he's not chasing or pushing her, that is. He really wants her to sit on his lap. That's a bit of a challenge considering they are roughly the same size. Love them!

Claire and her peanuts.

Such a happy girl with her crayons! She's quite the artist. Definitely my right brain child. She even thinks so much of her art that she likes to put it on the walls. I am not a fan.

We finally got around to putting up some sheet metal for the magnet maze Christmas gift. The kids think it's pretty awesome!

It was "Snow Day" at school aka PAT playgroup. As much as they loved playing in it, it made me a bit sad that we didn't get to have a real winter with snowmen and snowball fights and snow angels. They missed out this year.

I guess Luke wants to be a doctor. Not going to lie, I was more than concerned about him putting a tongue depressor in Claire's mouth. 

Making Valentine's at the playgroup's Valentine's Party. Luke is crazy about glue sticks.

More Snow Day fun at school. Luke really does love going to school and really like's Ms Julie. It gives me hope for actual school!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


January 17
An afternoon hanging out on Mom & Dad's bed. Lots of silliness ensued. Smiles turned into silly faces. Snuggles turned into wrestling. Lots and lots of laughing.

January 21
Family Lego Night! Claire had a great time stacking and making towers. Luke and Daddy finished the Millennium Falcon. Luke also found Claire's new cupcake barrettes and thought they would look perfect in his hair.

January 24
Art Time! Claire discovered it was just as fun to paint on herself as it was to paint on the paper.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


January 14
Ah, the sweet quiet hum of technology. These LeapPads are lifesavers some days!
January 15
Today we converted Claire's crib into a toddler bed. Luke was more than happy to help and was the first on to get in the crib. Claire thinks it's pretty awesome too! Hope she sleeps in it.

Friday, January 13, 2012


January 12
 Luke is really mastering the LeapPad.
Claire's new favorite place in the house is Luke's room. More specifically, Luke's bed! Now that she has managed to find a way to scale the side of it, she is in there all the time. She mainly plays with Turtle, but has also been know to jump on the bed and also drop myriad trains behind it as well.
January 13

Cousin Eve must have taught Claire the joys of changing babies' diapers. It's a new favorite activity!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


January 5
Registration at Wide World of Sports.

January 6
First official 5K completed!
January 7

 First Half Marathon Completed!
January 8
Fiesta Donald!
January 9
Came home to my wonderful babies and husband. No place I would rather be! It was a crazy, emotional weekend. Time to wind down a bit.
January 10
Taking care of Baby Vader.
January 11
Claire tucked her baby in her new bed. What good parents my kiddos will be someday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


January 1
A great start to the New Year! A beautiful day to play outside.
January 2
Claire's making great choices for her New Year!

January 3
Starting to pack for the Disney Run!

January 4
My little Thinker. He loves figuring out how the toy actually works.